Media Library: Podcasts
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Broadband Linkup: How Technology is Improving the Broadband User Experience

Internet is the key to everything in this business, because everything flows through it.”
Chris Boring
VP, Sales and Marketing, Promptlink Communications
Communications have fundamentally changed since the implementation of broadband services; today, customer expectations are that communication is instant and clear.
Broadband Linkup: El mundo está más dependiente al wifi. ¿Lo podemos diagnosticar apropriadamente?

Antes de enviar un equipo a la calle para ser instalado, debemos diagnosticarlo claramente para asegurarnos que este funcionando al 100%.”
David Mosquera
Director, Latin American Sales, Promptlink Communications
David Mosquera, director de ventas de Promptlink Communications para el mercado latinoamericano, nos habla sobre el crecimiento de la tecnología de telecomunicaciones en Latinoamérica y cómo los hogares y oficinas de hoy en día dependen de una conexión de wifi estable.
Broadband Linkup: More ISPs Are Offering ‘White Glove’ Wi-Fi Service for Better Consumer Experience

There's so many things that can affect Wi-Fi signals and I don't think people are aware of them. They are basically a radio wave and the faster the radio wave, the more sensitive it is.”
Chris Boring
VP, Sales and Marketing, Promptlink Communications
Here’s a hypothetical for you: At home, would you rather have electricity or Wi-Fi internet? It’s not necessarily a “chicken or the egg” scenario with today’s advanced wireless solutions. On this episode of Broadband Linkup by Promptlink Communications, host Sean Heath sat down with Chris Boring, Promptlink’s vice president of sales and marketing, to discuss all things Wi-Fi.
Broadband Linkup: How to Detect Noise in Cable Communications

In many cases, the small details are the ones giving you the right information.”
Foad Towfiq
CEO, Promptlink Communications
On this episode of Broadband Linkup we discuss pinpointing and troubleshooting the noise transmitted through cable modems with Foad Towfiq, President and CEO of Promptlink Communications.
Broadband Linkup: What to Watch for at SCTE Cable-Tec Expo

SCTE is the chance to show whatever is out there or talk about it in a workshop; it's the key place.”
Chris Boring
VP, Sales and Marketing, Promptlink Communications
Chris Boring, VP of Sales and Marketing at Promptlink, discusses the upcoming SCTE CABLE-TEC 2019 Show in New Orleans and what visitors can expect to see at the show and at the Promptlink booth. Chris talks about the Network NoiseHawk and Promptlink Test Platforms that will be on exhibit at the Promptlink booth.
Broadband LinkUp: Cable-Tec Attendees Have Been ‘Out of Control Amazed’ with Network NoiseHawk

SCTE is the best way to present our product, because they can really use it, play with it, move the source of noise and see how it changes.”
Foad Towfiq
CEO, Promptlink Communications
For veteran tradeshow attendees, sometimes it’s difficult to inspire a real wow-worthy moment on the show floor. On today’s episode of Broadband Linkup by Promptlink Communications, host Sean Heath caught up with Promptlink Communications’ Foad Towfiq and Chris Boring at SCTE Cable-Tec Expo 2019 in New Orleans to discuss the launch of Network NoiseHawk and share impressions from the pre-eminent cable telecommunications event.
Broadband Linkup: Multiple Content Streams, Single Content Pipe

The format of the media we consume is continually evolving. The devices that deliver it change, too.”
Alexander "Shony" Podarevsky
Senior System Engineer, Promptlink Communications
On this episode of the Broadband Linkup podcast, Alexander Podarevsky, Senior Systems Engineer for Promptlink, sat down with host Sean Heath to discuss the move towards content over data connection.
Broadband Linkup: Restauración de equipos es la estrategia rentable y ecológica para una industria de telecomunicaciones creciente

Cómo la automatización en la restauración CPE está impulsando a las empresas de telecomunicaciones en Latinoamérica.”
David Mosquera
Director, Latin American Sales, Promptlink Communications
Nuestro último podcast en español ha sido muy bien recibido por nuestro público latinoamericano, así que en el episodio de hoy de Broadband Linkup seguiremos explorando las últimas tendencias en la industria de las telecomunicaciones en este idioma.